Refrigerant leak detection

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Refrigerant leak detection

Depending on the system size and refrigerant type, refrigerant leakage presents a financial, safety and energy efficiency risk for owners. The installation of an automatic refrigerant detection system can help to reduce these risks.

Refrigerant detection within very cold or well-ventilated areas may be technically difficult, but detectors can be installed around plant and at high-risk leakage points. Some systems can incorporate low-liquid-level alarms, and maintenance protocols should always include regular leak surveys.


Refrigeration systems are mechanically intensive; they shake, they break and they leak refrigerants. Leaks lead to less refrigerant in the system, which then has to work harder to achieve the target temperature. That extra workload increases the energy consumption of the unit and reduces the efficiency.


Average refrigerant leakage rates in Australian commercial refrigeration systems can be up to 12-15% per year.[1]


That’s why maintenance is so critical. It reduces energy bills, make systems run better and saves on the cost of replacing leaked refrigerant.


  • 1. Cold Hard Facts 2, p.31, prepared by ‘The Expert Group’ on behalf of the DCCEE.