The benefits of installing variable speed drives on motors

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The benefits of installing variable speed drives on motors

If you have a continuous operation with a consistent load, then a ‘direct on line’ (DOL) motor will be appropriate for your business.

However, if you have equipment such as pumps, fans, precision tools and winders that have variable loads, then you need to use a ‘variable speed drive’ (VSD).

These drives can adjust the speed of a motor to match the size of the load or task at hand. This is far more efficient than using a motor that has a constant single speed.

Installing a variable speed drive in a motor can pay for itself very quickly. Dropping the speed of a motor by 10% can reduce its energy consumption by up to 25%.[1] This flexibility enables the motors to use less energy which saves money.

An EcoSmart Electrician or motor expert can give you advice on the VSD options available to your business.