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Step 12 - Dishwasher

  • Every extra star on a dishwasher will save you water and reduce your running costs by 30%.[1]
  • When buying a dishwasher, look for one with at least 3.5 stars. A 4 star dishwasher can use half the energy of a 2 star dishwasher.[2]
  • If your business has a time-of-use tariff, get a delay-start dishwasher that can turn itself on during cheaper off-peak times at night.
  • The star rating for dishwashers can go as high as 6 stars.
  • You should only use dishwashers when they’re full. Where possible you should also get a unit with an ‘Economy Wash’ or ‘Eco’ setting (an ‘Eco’ setting is usually where the machine uses less water or washes in cooler water).
  • Keeping the filters clean helps the appliance to run at maximum efficiency and reduces the risk of the machine breaking down.
  • Many businesses use domestic dishwashers in their operations. To compare their running costs before you buy, click here:


According to the NSW OEH, over a 10 year period, a 2 star rated dishwasher will cost up to $770 more to run than a 4 star rated model.[3]


WT Sustainability (WTS), NSW

WTS selected their appliances, such as fridges and microwaves, for their energy efficiency. They also replaced the instantaneous hot water unit with a kettle to save on hot water energy costs. They also instructed staff to only heat the required amount of hot water each time they boiled the kettle.[4]