How much can you save by replacing 400W mercury vapour luminaires?

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How much can you save by replacing 400W mercury vapour luminaires?

The following table shows the main energy-saving alternatives for high-bay and low-bay ‘mercury vapour’ lighting.[1]

An EcoSmart Electrician or lighting professional can tell you which of the following are the best options for your organisation.

Alternative lighting Estimated lifespan of new lighting Estimated running
cost reduction[2]
New 250W metal halide luminaire 10,000 hours 30–40%
New 200W induction lamp luminaire 60,000 hours 40–51%
New 4x54W fluorescent luminaire 12,800 hours 45–55%
New 110W LED luminaire [3] 50,000 hours 55–75%


What is the difference between a lamp and a luminaire? The actual light source is called a lamp or illuminant. The light fitting with the lamp is called a luminaire.[4]

Neata Glass and Aluminium, NT

Neata Glass and Aluminium in Alice Springs replaced 24 mercury vapour high bays (400W) with 14 induction high bays (250W). The capital cost was $6,085 and the payback is $5,689 a year. Over the lifetime of the new lights, they will save tens of thousands of dollars on their lighting costs.[5]