The benefits of correct thermostat settings

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The benefits of correct thermostat settings

This is worth repeating. If you turn up your thermostat by just one degree in winter, and down by one degree in summer, your heating and cooling bills can increase by up to 10%.

In summer when temperatures are warm outside, coming into a building set at 24–27°C will feel cool.

In winter, when temperatures are low, 18–20°C inside will feel comfortably warm but not hot. You don’t need it to be warmer than this – on their way to work, people will already be wearing winter clothing.

If the thermostats at your workplace are out by just a few degrees, you will needlessly be paying more for your heating and cooling.

Every degree you raise or lower your thermostat can increase your heating or cooling bills by up to 10%.


Why you should install programmable thermostats

Programmable thermostats can be programmed to different temperatures and can turn your heating or cooling on or off according to whether the building is occupied or not.

Thermostat hand

You can also set them to turn your system on before people arrive at work and off just before they leave.

Programmable thermostats can have multiple temperature settings for different times of the day. If there is an unexpected change in the weather, these programmable settings can be manually changed without affecting the ongoing settings that you’ve programmed.