Save money by zoning your ducted HVAC

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Save money by zoning your ducted HVAC

With a properly-designed ducted HVAC system, you can have ducts in delivering air-conditioning in different rooms across your premises, all controlled by a single panel. These systems can be zoned, giving you the option to heat or cool one area and not another.

When it comes to implementing this type of system, you need to be aware of the following:

  • Make sure your zoning is implemented correctly, otherwise you can end up with some areas being too hot and others too cold. Getting this wrong will lead to bigger energy bills.
  • Step 9 - HVAC EngineerWhen setting up your HVAC zoning for the first time, it pays to get advice from a company with experience in installing ducted HVAC systems.
  • These systems can have timers that turn off the heating or cooling when it’s not needed at night or over the weekend.
  • Some air-conditioning systems enable you to add additional ducts. One system allows you to add eight zones from the one unit.[1] When you’re buying a new air-conditioning system, this flexibility should be taken into consideration if your business is going to grow and take on new staff.
  • Some multi-split systems also give flexibility for a growing small business. With these systems, one outdoor unit can power up to four indoor units at the same time, but remain energy efficient just powering one indoor unit.[2]
  • You can program the thermostats to turn on the heating or cooling at a set time before people come to work.
  • When it comes to heating and cooling, you should try to reduce airflow and avoid undersized ducts.
  • You should install a system that allows you to shut off the ducts in rooms that don’t need heating or cooling. When it comes to this option, you should consult your HVAC technical service provider or EcoSmart Electrician.


When buying a ducted reverse-cycle air-conditioning set-up for your business, make sure your supplier designs it to minimise energy use.