Can your business use heat recovery?

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Can your business use heat recovery?

Many companies are now collecting and reusing the wasted heat that’s generated by their operations.

Some are using it to heat their premises, while others are using it to heat water, generate power or preheat combustion air for ovens, boilers and furnaces. This recovered heat can be used in a range of industrial processes.[1]

Regardless of how these companies reuse this wasted heat, the outcome is the same. It reduces energy consumption and makes the company more energy efficient.


Heat recovery ventilation

If your business has a lot of heat-generating processes, you many want to consider using a heat recovery system.

A heat recovery ventilation system takes the cold air from outside and draws it into the building through a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger captures the heat from warm, outgoing, stale air to pre-heat the incoming outdoor air.

In colder climates, these units help to retain heat inside a building. They can also reduce the stress load on cooling systems in warmer climates.

The process is so efficient that it can recover up to 80% of the heat from the outgoing air.[2] If you need to regularly change over the air in your business, then this is a highly efficient way to do so.

Companies who distribute or install heat recovery ventilation systems can advise you on the payback and cost-saving potential of these units.


Heat shifters

Heat shifters are basically a duct with a fan that transfers warm air from a heated room to another unheated part of your business. They’re inexpensive to install and operate and can transfer hear to another area up to 12 metres away.[3]

Eastern Road Quality Meats, NSW

Strategic use of ventilation is helping Eastern Road Quality Meats to achieve energy savings of around 25% by reducing the need for air-conditioning. A simple extraction exhaust fan on the back wall and ventilation located behind the fridges and cool rooms removes warm air from the shop.


“These don’t cost much to run but it means that six other motors, on the fridges and the air-conditioning, don’t have to work so hard, resulting in a very significant impact on energy consumption,” said owner Allan Waldon.[4]


Heat recovery checklist

If you want to assess the potential for heat recovery in your business, there is a checklist that you can utilise:

Further information on heat recovery:

Heather Brae Shortbreads, VIC

At Heather Brae Shortbreads, the baking and packaging area was designed so that the heat from the ovens is recovered and used to keep the work area warm, eliminating the need to heat this area. This, and other measures, are saving around 10–15% on their annual energy bills.[5]