Saving money with daylight

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Saving money with daylight

Daylight is free, so take advantage of it:

  • Keep your windows clean and clear of shading. If necessary, trim back vegetation that blocks the outside light.
  • Plant deciduous trees outside your windows. They’ll shade you from the hot summer sun, but when they lose their leaves, they’ll let in light and warmth in winter.
  • If you have window blinds to shut out glare, can they be opened at a time of day when this isn’t a problem? If you do get glare, window film can help to minimise the problem.
  • You should position your workspaces so that they make the most of available light sources. You should also look to relocate cupboards, screens and bookcases that block natural light.
  • If your premises are not exposed to much natural daylight, install skylights, solar tubes or translucent roof sheeting to bring light in through the roof.
  • Use light colours on walls, ceilings and benchtops as they can reflect and maximise the effectiveness of natural light. When your business maximises the use of daylight, it reduces the use of artificial light.
  • When your business maximises the use of daylight, it reduces the use of artificial light. It’s a very simple way to reduce your lighting bills.

When your business maximises the use of daylight, it reduces the use of artificial light. It’s a very simple way to reduce your lighting bills.

Heather Brae Shortbreads, VIC

At Heather Brae Shortbreads, they harnessed free light from the sun by installing skylights. This flooded the warehouse and offices with natural light and significantly reduced the need for artificial light.


In addition, they will replace all existing lights with LEDs at a cost of $25,000. According to owner Bassam Wakim, the projected savings of $10,000 a year will give them a payback period of only 2.5 years.[1]