Save money by switching off lights

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Save money by switching off lights

Unnecessary lighting impacts your bottom line. Turning it off is the simplest way to save money. 

Encourage people to switch off the lights

This can be encouraged by placing ‘switch-off’ reminders near light switches and building exits. See ‘Step 6 – Switch off and save’ for more detail. 

If you have a lot of switches in one location, you might wish to label them so staff and contractors know what they’re switching off. DoSomething have a range of designs that can be printed on sticker paper and placed near switches. You can download them for free from:

If you only have one switch that turns on all the lights in an area, an EcoSmart Electrician may be able to re-zone the lighting and add more switches – that way you’ll only need to turn on the lights that you need.

Turn off displays 

Display cases and signs can be switched off at night and over weekends. If you have an illuminated advertising sign outside your business, you can use a timer to make it turn off between midnight and 6am (or you may be able to dim it, thereby reducing the amount of energy that it uses).

If you have a stationery cupboard, have your electrician install a contact switch that turns on the light when you open the door and turns it off when you close it.