Solutions for when you can’t reach the plug

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Solutions for when you can’t reach the plug

Remote-control plugs

Hard-to-reach plug boards and equipment can now be turned off with remote-controlled plugs.

On leaving the workplace, hit the off-button on the remote and it can turn off four power boards at once. Sticking the remote next to the exit door of your building makes this switch-off process nice and easy.

A range of remote-control plugs have been released under various brand names (Efergy, Kambrook and ALDI’s Bauhn brand are the best known).

Step 6 - Tip 5 iSome of these packages offer four remote control plugs. Prices range from $25-$50. Belkin also sell the ‘Conserve Switch AV Surge Protector’ plugboard. Priced at $130, this has six plug outlets that can be turned off with a remote control.

An EcoSmart Electrician can also give you professional advice about whether it makes financial sense to install a central electrical switch to turn off all your devices and appliances.


The EcoSwitch

If a plug socket or power board is hard to reach, you can also buy an EcoSwitch plug.

The EcoSwitch is basically a long extension cord for plugboards and appliances. It has an on-off switch that you position in an easy-to-reach place. This switch has a big green light on it, so it’s hard to miss when your appliance or power board has been left on.

They’re only $20 each and pay for themselves in a short time. They’re available from most hardware stores or via


The Efergy Foot Switch Power Board

If you need to have a power board in a hard-to-reach place, you may want to buy an Efergy Foot Switch Power Board. To turn it off, all you have to do is step on the foot switch. Prices range from $40-$50.